I swore I was going to start writing more on the blog, per request of several people. I am not much of a writer, but I suppose it gives a better sense of what's going on. This Summer has been more than photos could say alone. It's funny I actually told someone at the beginning of the Summer that we were intentionally not over scheduling ourselves or the kids this Summer to just hang as a family and enjoy the time before Easton starts kindergarten and Avery enters preschool. I can't imagine what this Summer would have looked like if we would have over scheduled. I loved our camping trips (and I see many more in our future) and Avery's dance classes were too sweet for words, and as crazy as our last minute trip to Mummi and Pa's was, it was totally worth it on so many fronts. So their are no regrets.
Lot's of stuff has been going on since the last post. Avery and I attended Amber's "just for ladies party" aka shower 3 weeks ago and I attended her bachelorette party. Very sweet and lots of fun, but the 15 hours of celebration made me realize how much I've aged since my own celebration 7 years ago. Avery was super excited, and is taking her flower girl duties very serious. She doesn't really get it because to her, John and Amber have been married since she was born and Amber has always been her Aunt. The following weekend Tony and Carla came to attend (well Tony attended) John's bachelor party. We knew that would be the
beginning of the craziness. The kids have been constantly asking when they are coming back with the girls since they left. It's always nice to have family get to spend time with the kids in their environment. As you can see since then Helmi came from China. I know the kids wore her out, but I don't think any of them would of had it any other way. Hard to believe, but the next day we had a good friend come visit that we haven't seen since Avery's baby shower. As always Tony G knew he would be welcome and we got an old group of friends together for dinner. Lot's of fun on all fronts. It's been a busy month, but fun. We did think we would have a bit of down time with the business this Summer, which we were horribly wrong. But it's great that business is so good, and come October we will be psyched. I just wish I could design more to help Kyle. Or I guess design at all. He's been a total rock star and we are so thankful we converted the garage. That was the best thing we have done in ages. We have had lots of school activities. Easton starts school next Wednesday. I have already cried at both pre-school events. I can hardly write this! And the following Wednesday my family comes to stay with us for the wedding. We have been having fun, but are exhausted and are looking forward to everyone visiting, but looking forward to a quite November. I forgot to mention my dear friend Clint is moving in for a few weeks to a month after the wedding and then going to join our company as the 2nd kick ass designer at TEAK creative. I feel very fortunate to be so busy because of visiting family and friends. Kyle and I always say we love to entertain and cook, but this Summer might just prove to be one of those be careful what you wish for moments. It would also help if I wasn't a total klutz twice this Summer and broke both my front teeth in June (over scheduled with dentist appointments since) and then dropped a stack of dinner plates on my left leg last week and ended up in the emergency room with stitches. When it rains it pours. I write this tonight after I had a great day with the kids at the zoo today and then sushi lunch, and I can't wait for my family to get here. Lot's of planning and anticipation but, I am bursting at the seams to see my nieces and nephew. Seeing my own little man get ready for kindergarten makes me realize how fast they all grow up. Kayla could probably raid my closet this visit! Anyway I am rambling trying to avoid all the other things I should do, or if nothing else I should go snuggle with Kyle on the couch since he just called it a day too.