I can't believe she's one. I know everyone says that, but this year has really been a blur. It's also been a roller coaster and I will probably not be able to finish this entry if I think about it too much. So I will just recap the highlights of where our little angel is now. Avery is such a joy and truly the happiest child I have ever been around. I can say this with no exaggeration; we have only been up at night with her 2 times in one year. (once she was congested and she could such on her fingers, and once her teeth hurt) That is insane. She rarely cries just for attention and so many things make her happy. She just loves Easton and Ripley. No matter what Easton does she thinks it is funny, even when I don't. And the even better thing is that Easton adores her too. I couldn't ask for this first year to have gone any better in regard to having 2 kids vs. one. We haven't found anything she won't eat. Although she would live on Pirates Booty if we let her. She now says "hi" and "bye" and she loves music and dancing. She also signs more, but that's no surprise because she always wants more food. She really is my daughter. Although her disposition is definitely Kyle’s. She rarely gets riled up and the glass is always half full. She is crawling and climbing, but has yet to walk on her own. She is far too content to try that hard. I have a hard time grasping that too. She has taken this last year of our craziness, moving, remolding, health issues, working, traveling, and tending to a hyper 2.5 year old like it's been a walk in the park. Thank goodness. I am head over heels in love with my sweet little girl and feel so lucky to have her. No matter what it took to get her here, or stress I have endured this year I would do it again in a heartbeat.
The birthday girl! I can't believe she's 1!
I was very happy with the cake I made for Avery's birthday. I know it's not quite a Grandma Schueller cake, but I learned from the best. Thanks, Mom.
Side view of the cake.
This is the bookcase Kyle and I made for Avery for her birthday. Well mostly Kyle, he built it and I painted it. He did a great job!
Avery with her new bookcase.
Here is the meat loaf cake (we just called it meat cake because that's funny) and Avery's birthday cake. Both were fabulous.
Another dinner and desert photo.
This is all for me?
Mom make him stop taking my stuff!
Avery was not at a shortage of gifts.
Aunt Carrie (she share the same birthday with Avery/ Happy Birthday Carrie) made this bird for Avery. She loves it, she IS kissing it. It sort of looks like we are gagging her with it.
Notice Easton had to have a candle too. He just couldn't let her sit back and watch this birthday go by.
Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl!
Mommy had to blow it out once I reached for it.
1st birthdays are the best.
I better start shoveling it in I think everyone else is done with theirs.
Cake is good.
Really it's all mine?
No more strained veggies for me!
Easton even need to get in on the growth chart portion of Avery's birthday. I do think this is a cute photo though.
Johnny and Amber took some photos of us at the Japanese Garden. We loved so many of them it's hard to choose which ones to print. For our own selection purposes we posted some of our favorites. Go here if you want to check them out.
The cuties on their bikes.
Easton had to decorate a cake for Daddy. He did another great job. He is actually into decorating them more than eating them.
Johnny and Amber babysat so we could go out for sushi on Kyle's birthday. I think this picture is funny.
This just blew my mind. This is the cat Easton drew on his MagnaDoodle. He's 2 1/2! I love the fuzzy ears and long tail.
Easton is all about the accessories these days. Hats, sunglasses, shoes...
Avery all ready to comb her hair after her bath.
She looks goofy with her hair slicked back, but her eyes look so pretty I had to post this.
Avery wants to stand at this walker all day, she just doesn't want to move her feet.
Easton is loving all the baby toys coming back out for Avery. Now if he would just let her play with them.
Ed and Mary Hamler visited us on Friday. I think we all had a great time. As you can see the kids were sad to see them leave.
Clint visited from LA this weekend. Easton and Avery liked having another BIG kid to play with. Avery looks extra small when Clint holds her. It's super cute.