Friday, May 28, 2010

I told you I'd post something to the blog!

My niece Kayla is the oldest of the kiddos in our family and was the first to make me an Aunt (a role I take seriously). My goodness she isn't much of a kid anymore. I don't know if it makes me feel old or sad. Although I think Kayla will always be fine with me teaching her something or fixing her a snack, or really waiting on her in any manner. But, she also makes me incredibly proud. She is very bright, creative, driven by her desires and not afraid to stick to her convictions. She has excelled as part of her school's mock trial team, worked with the theater department and always been at the top of her class academically, and personally I enjoy that she loves to play games (always has), enjoys making things, staying up late chatting and giggling and appreciates food and cooking, like me. I miss her terribly and cherish the time we spend together. I wish I could have been with her tonight to see her graduate from middle school and witness her being awarded a scholarship towards her tuition for high school. How fantastic! She also looked incredibly beautiful tonight.

My wish for Kayla for high school is that she have fun with her friends, find whatever activities challenge her and make her happy, continue to excel in her school work and most of all that she always remember to do what she feels in her heart and what she knows is right. She's a good kid, I'm not really worried. Just proud and sad cause I miss her.

I love you Kayla! We will celebrate in August.
Much love and respect!

1 comment:

Kayo :) said...

A lovely one :)