I guess it's a good sign that I even have time to write anything. But I won't be saying much because I'm hormonal and will sit here and cry as I type. We have definitely had some ups and downs since Avery was born on Wednesday, but it's all smoothing out at this point and today has been great. We had a little scare at the hospital where her blood sugar got too low and they had to force formula into her to get it back up quickly, she didn't take the formula well and started vomiting pretty bad, where they discussed transferring her to the NICU and rolled in an X-ray. I was terrified. She was so lethargic and had no interest in crying, eating, or pooping. All thing the hospital likes to see. After that they ran a whole bunch more tests and I started pumping breast milk around the clock, each feeding turned into a huge ordeal with 2 or 3 people involved and a tube taped to my breast, after that I still had to supplement with Soy formula which she tolerated more, but not great. All the tests turned out great and she started keeping things down. Since we have been home I haven't had to give her formula and last night she actually nursed. We also questioned bringing her home when we did, when approximately 3 hours after coming home she spit up and it clogged her airways. I didn't even know what terrified was! Thank God both Kyle and I were there and he ran to find a bulb syringe and I started wiping everything I could away. Needless to say pretty quickly we were able to get everything out and she started crying. The sweetest cry I have ever heard. So now every time she makes any noise resembling spit up I run to make sure she's fine. It so crazy that after all this, and the shots (which are still not done), and labor, I would do it again. I also had another pretty good labor and delivery. It's nice to know I will never be one of those mothers with a 20+ hour labor story. A lot of mothers told me it's so much easier the second time because you don't stress so much. Just more B.S. feed to mother from mothers. I'm not sure I will ever stress about my kids. If my Mom is any indication, I won't. I'm not sure this pregnancy wasn't harder on her, than us. So anyway now I have written more than I planned. Today is a day that I have dreamt about for a long time. I have everything I ever could have hoped for and more. Kyle, Easton, and Avery are all just the most wonderful people and I truly feel blessed. As you can see from the photos I posted today we are having a blast. This house is filled with love.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments, emails, flowers, gifts, and phone calls. And thanks for dinner last night Brenda, it was perfect. I have pretty great family and friends too.