Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The clock is ticking...

I haven't even had time to write because I have been frantically checking things off of my list. I definitely don't have the personality to know when I'm to deliver the baby. I have a check list and schedule for myself everyday in order to get everything done by the 24th. I know this doesn't surprise anyone! At least I know and admit I'm a spaz.

Everything is going great. Easton is sleeping in his bed for both naps and through the night, the baby is doing great, and we are wrapping up all our freelance projects... just in time. It's getting very exciting at our house, and feels really good. Easton is going to be a great big brother. He is already being so helpful.

I should probably get back to my list though. I have been having a few Braxton hicks contractions, and I'm 3 centimeters dilated already so we are a little nervous about having the baby before the induction date of the 24th. And NO this is not on my schedule! Hopefully she will just sit still for 9 more days, but stay tuned.

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