Thursday, February 10, 2005

What's been going on?

I went to send this blog out to everyone we thought might be interested, and realized that there may be a few people who weren't up to speed on what is happening in our lives right now.

That being said- I would hope that we have told everybody that I am pregnant with our 2nd child. If not, surprise! Then there is the fact that many of you were told that the baby is due April 15th, then we were told that it was actually April 10th, and now they are talking about inducing me March 18th, 20th, or 25th. (this changes almost daily) Yes, very soon! They are inducing me because I have a blood disorder called protein S deficiency. The abbreviated version is that this is a disorder that makes me predisposed to clotting. So what happens to many people early and late in the pregnancy, is that the placenta clots and doesn't function properly if at all. So I have been receiving daily shots of blood thinners to keep everything functioning through this pregnancy. By inducing me early we avoid the unfortunate incidence of still born associated with the disorder. The thought of going early freaks Kyle and I out a little, but the stakes are too high. So we say "by all means take the baby when ever you see fit." We are thankful we love and trust our OB. She is the same Dr. who delivered Easton. So now you know where things are at on the baby front. Oh yeah, and we don't know the sex of the baby and we are not finding out. We have another ultrasound on Friday if anything changes I will let you know.

Then there is Easton. He is getting so big, and so independent. (I'm not sure where he gets it) And I'm not sure if it's my hormones right now, or just the age he is at, but he just amazes me. He is just the sweetest little boy right now. He is so nurturing and loving. We were just at a play group this morning and he walked over to a baby doll and gave it the most gentle kiss and hug and all the other moms just melted. He was the only boy there. He also shares really well and really enjoys being with other kids. All of these things are making me more comfortable with the idea of a sibling. OF course I will post some recent pictures after I post this. So you can see how adorable he is too. Kyle and I talk about how lucky we are to have him all the time.

And now the house. Many of you know we have been looking for a different house for about 6/7 months. Well I don't want to get into all the crazy details and rant about the housing market here, but we are not moving right now- enough said. Stay tuned for details on putting the baby in our small room and then the transition into Easton's room.

So for the most part you are now officially up to date on the Shepard Family. Kyle and I are both doing great and are very excited about all the changes that constantly seem to be happening in our lives. We have great friends and family, love living in Seattle, Kyle continues to like his job, and we still eat very well! Lot's going on as usual, but we really can't complain.

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