Monday, February 28, 2005

Big boy bed

We heard the horror stories. We imagined the worst. We were prepared. Easton was going to be transitioned from his crib into a "big boy bed" and although it might mean a lot of sleepless nights, we were ready! We got a crib/day bed just in case things needed to go slowly. Easton "helped" with putting it together and we decided to leave it as the day bed and see how he liked it. Well, he liked it A LOT! He got himself up there, surrounded himself with his stuff animals and decided he needed to take a nap. He took a 2 hour nap! Just like that, no fighting, no whining, no fussing, just snoring. Hmmmm, well, Tina and I thought that was pretty darn nice, but surely it wouldn't last for the night sleep. Nope, we were wrong. Easton went down (after one time of getting up) and fell asleep. THUMP! In the middle of the night, the poor guy rolled off and fell out. We kissed and hugged him and tucked him back in. He did wake us up around 4 asking for some milk and seeing if this situation was really true... I can get up all by myself and walk around and play with toys? After another tuck in, he was snoring away until 7:45! Amazing. We are keeping our fingers crossed that he continues to like his new bed and go to sleep without be coerced. We'll keep you posted.

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