Friday, July 22, 2005

Avery at the concert at the Zoo. She's in her jammies, but still ready to party. Does she make everyone giggle? Or just me?

We tootk the kids to a concert at the Zoo the other night. We all had a great time.

Just a cute picture of Avery. looks like she's going to have Daddy's eyes.

Johnny got a little silly with Easton's bubble gun. Notice the muscle shirt. Kyle say's "gun show" and he flexes his muscles and kisses his biceps. Good one Daddy.

A better shot of the fancy new clips she wears to try to tame the fauxhawk. Obviously it's working.

Another day at the pool.

Avery at the pool. She doesn't like the water so she just sits on the edge and looks pretty.

My babies are looking so grown up. Handsome little man.

Funny, funny Avery with her sun bonnet off!

Cutie on the beach!

Easton was definitely meant to grow up in Washington. He loves the water! This week we have gone to the pool twice, and the beach once. It's good for Kyle and I to get out of this little rental too.

Boo hoo. She looks so big here. Such a lady.

Easton and his friend Ellie being silly.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Valencia's got Avery a Daddly's little sparkler T for the 4th. She sure is!

Easton was looking sporty on the 4th. This is his new wink and a thumbs up!

Now notice the little pony tail on the top of her hair. This was funny, but a failed attempt at managing the "fauxhawk".

Here is the latest "do"- notice the tiny barett on the top of her head.

The kitchen from the dining room. Yikes.

Easton's room. Maybe someday it will look like a room I would want my child to sleep.

More on the remodel. This is our upstairs bath. Notice the pillows on the floor to cover the hole for the toilet and absorb water that comes in the roof where the chimney was removed.

Our little artist. Aunt Carrie gave Easton watercolor paints for his birthday and now he goes all Jackson Pollock at his easel.