Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This is my new favorite of Avery. There also aren't many pictures of Easton when Grandma and Grandpa were here but it's just because he never sat still the whole time they were here.

Mom and Dad got such a kick out of Avery's mad face.

She looks so different every day.

This picture with Grandpa is so sweet.

The kids loved all the attention from Grandma and Grandpa.

We never have to question when Avery is tired.

Cutie with Grandpa.

Funny pictures of Dad with Santa. Finally someone appreciates Santa as much as Kyle.

Avery wasn't sure why we were rubbing a balloon on her head. Notice her reflection in the balloon.

If only it could always be this sweet. Sibling tranquility.

We took Easton to the model railroad show. He was so excited. He even asked to wear his train pants and Thomas shirt.

Avery rairly gets sad but she sure can get ticked off. She looks so tough here.

Just another picture I had to share.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Easton had to put a party hat on to prepare to make me a cake for my birthday.

Now I guess he would consider this clean-up duty.

Easton decorating my cake. I just pulled everything out he wanted and let him have at it. He did a really good job.

He took the decorating the cake job very serious.

Look what I made for you Mommy!

My 33rd birthday cake in all it's glory.

Proudly displaying the cake before we lit the candles.

This was the moment I decided a haircut might not be a bad idea.

She did pretty good at sitting still.

Avery's first haircut! I know what took me so long.

Easton wanted his picture taken too.

Not that I need to describe this, but here is Kyle looking creeoy in the hat from Helmi. Funny Daddy!

Easton in the crazy hat Auntie Helmi sent from China.

Here is Avery trying very hard to crawl to me.

Just too cute not to post.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

She just loves being close to Easton. Or here sitting on him. When will he loose his tolerance for her? I hope not for a while.

This picture is just so darn funny. It captures the essence of our household lately.

She's getting sooo big. I know I keep saying it, but it freaks me out.

Easton showing off the sucker Santa brought him.

Avery and her crazy, crazy hair. Bad hair days at 9 months. Who woulda thought?

The house is looking better all the time!

Dining to living room.

Dining to kitchen.

Dining to kitchen.