Saturday, December 09, 2006

Avery was excited about Christmas once Mummi and Pa gave her a purse and a baby.

Notice Santa in the entryway.

Home for the holidays

The new porch dressed up for the holidays.

You can dress her up but you can't take her out!

Downtown during the holidays was exciting for the kids.

I can't see the big guy!

Waiting our turn

Were almost up

She was so cute. And I love that I bought this dress for my neice 5 years ago.

Avery is just steps away from santa and can't wait to tellhim to bring her a baby.

Easton is anxious to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas

On Santa's Lap

On Santa's Lap
Originally uploaded by kyleshepard.

Looks like Avery changed her mind about "Ho Ho"

Really were next.

Let's quick fit in some shopping while were here.

Easton enjoyed the carosel more than Avery too.